As you are looking for a company to repair or replace your flooring, you may wonder which one is truly best. While you are perusing through websites, you may find some that claim to be Diamond Certified. What exactly does that mean?
What Is It?
Companies that are Diamond Certified have passed through a rigorous process where they are judged based on customer satisfaction, company performance and other factors. A 100-point scale is used, and only companies that have gotten a 90 or above can claim to be Diamond Certified. The review process is ongoing, so if a company is below a 90, then that certification is removed.
How Are Ratings Gathered?
The review process entails contacting past customers of a company and interviewing them about their experiences. Everything is discovered during this talk: the good and the bad. The review board makes sure that only real customers are interviewed, so when a company claims to be Diamond Certified, you can trust it.
Find a flooring company near you bearing the Diamond certification. It is the only way you can be sure you will be utterly satisfied with your new floor. One such company in Pleasanton is Silmar Flooring. Call today to get started.